Me, me!!!

My photo
Madras, TAMIL NADU, India
Not an outdoor person.. prefer to get buried beneath books, music and movies... has these strange philosophies about life that might puzzle you. At the same time, likes to live life. Loves simple people, especially those who veil their formidable knowledge behind humility (The poems here don't reflect my mind or anyone else's. Maybe, just a patch of what various people go through.)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Looking back

Sometimes, I look back to see a faint spectacle.
Of times that remain only in memories.
I wipe the mist gathered on the view.
It seems so long, but not really long ago.

Sometimes, I hear familiar voices.
From the times that seemed to stand still.
But, now I hear them louder than ever before.
As if they are not from the past, but from something within me.


  1. Looking back is a nice thing to do but wouldnt that lead to one being stuck in the past perhaps, just a thought :) nicely written Jan :)
