Me, me!!!

My photo
Madras, TAMIL NADU, India
Not an outdoor person.. prefer to get buried beneath books, music and movies... has these strange philosophies about life that might puzzle you. At the same time, likes to live life. Loves simple people, especially those who veil their formidable knowledge behind humility (The poems here don't reflect my mind or anyone else's. Maybe, just a patch of what various people go through.)

Friday, May 20, 2011


I don’t wait for it to happen; it sets in at its own pace.

Sometimes well aware, sometimes in trance.

High on life or on sorrow; when deep down there is stillness.

I breathe easy, smell the roses before they wither.

Stop to feel a butterfly on my shoulder before it flits away.

Hear the sea roar, breeze hum and turn my back to the past.

Before the glum drowns the rhythm of my heart beat.

Talk to the flowers, as they listen to me; say aloud this is life with a smile!


  1. Awareness is the key I guess...
    In spite of knowing that, sometimes one slips into the 'glum'. Your words inspires one to not wait for it to let it be, to just be...
