I see images of a day, etched somewhere, buried beneath, coming alive.
I haven’t kept away from them, neither have I abandoned them.
But they got lost somewhere, when I stopped to watch.
Awestruck by a rainbow, or a flitting butterfly.
And then another spectacle took over, overwriting memories.
With a fresh ink everyday because there is not much space.
For the happiness chapter is an abridged version and limited edition.
It resembles a mirage. On a canvas so large. They call it life. That illusion so rife. Never mind its name. They say it is all in a game. Seems so unbelievably eternal. But it is only the end that is real.
Me, me!!!

- Sepiamniac
- Madras, TAMIL NADU, India
- Not an outdoor person.. prefer to get buried beneath books, music and movies... has these strange philosophies about life that might puzzle you. At the same time, likes to live life. Loves simple people, especially those who veil their formidable knowledge behind humility (The poems here don't reflect my mind or anyone else's. Maybe, just a patch of what various people go through.)
But they do not get deleted do they? They remain buried embellishing the hues of your todays and tomorrows?